In partnership with the Lord and Philanthropists, we provide spiritual and material relief to the hurting peoples of the world

Ingatherers International, Inc. is a Non-denominational Christian Organization (Public Charity) whose Headquarters is in Gaithersburg, Maryland (USA) and which operates (for now) in the United States and Africa.
Our mission is, in partnership with the Holy Spirit, to bear witness to the identity and mission of the Lord Jesus Christ, and disciple all nations to obey all that he commanded in the Four Gospels (John 8:23-25; Matthew 28>18-20)
Our tools are< Preaching Teaching Schools Seminars and conferences Literature Film Music Benevolence Christopreneurship (Coaching Christians to start businesses with zero finances and to convert spiritual capital through total faith in Christ. Apostle Mark Darko – B.A., M.Phil.